Severn Court (October-August)
Theatre Trent 2023/24
Arthur News School of Fish

Bowlcut: TCSA Bingo: Take Two

Written by
The Folx at Arthur
August 27, 2024
Bowlcut: TCSA Bingo: Take Two

Trent University's favourite #satire game is #back!!!

That's right baby, Arthur once again has the honour of playing host to TCSA Bingo, the only way to hold your student union accountable (apparently), since they tend to ignore the results of their own elections!

Those  of  you  having  freshly  arrived  at  Trent  University may find yourself at a loss for what exactly a “TCSA”  is.  Turns  out,  the  Trent  Central  Student  Asso-ciation is more than just a convoluted way to syphon money into tote bags and commemorative pens!

In their 30-odd years as  the  union  representing  the  undergraduate  student body since their late 90s-embezzlement-scandal-implosion, it’s fair to say that the TCSA have enjoyed a fair bit of scrutiny.

Further, it might even be charitable to call Arthur’s coverage of them “critical,” though, as we always say, “We could always be meaner!”

All  we  know  is,  that  all  of  the  items  in  this  lovely  5x5 grid beneath this self-indulgent blurb are things that our beloved student Association has actually done! Granted,  some  are  decidedly  less...”spicy”  than  other,  but  they  all  speak  to  an  (alleged)  culture  of  workplace dysfunction which (allegedly) enables people  to  (allegedly)  fail  upwards  into  positions  at  the Association and/or University (is one really distinguishable from the other?).

This game is dead simple, and it plays like this: you simply pay attention to the antics of one Trent Central Student Association (as reported by Arthur, of course) for the duration of the year. Each time they do some-thing  on  this  bingo  sheet,  which—rest  assured—will  happen, you fill out the square.

If and when you fill out the whole thing (if last year is any indication, it shouldn’t take long!) simply print it off and mail it to us at Sadleir House Suite 104, 751 George St. N, Peterborough ON, K9H 7P5.

Or  email  us  a  screenshot at,  whichever’s  funnier  to  you.  We  don’t  care.  

If  you  do  that (and provided you can justify your “BINGO,” we will  confer  unto  you  one  lovely  Arthur  tee-shirt  (size  2XL) printed by our friends at Renegade Apparel. So  come  on,  why  not  play  along?  It  is  a  FREE  T-SHIRT, after all.

Our Bingo Board is back and looking sexier than ever. Who knew Helvetica could look so H-O-T-T-O-G-O?
Severn Court (October-August)
Theatre Trent 2023/24
Arthur News School of Fish
Written By
Severn Court (October-August)
Theatre Trent 2023/24
Arthur News School of Fish

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