Arthur Meets the Candidates for the TCSA Spring Elections
Arthur attended the Trent Central Student Association's Meet the Candidates event for the Association's Spring General Election on March 12th, where candidates debated parking, food security, and the possibility of alternate venues for the upcoming convocation ceremony.
Traill Cabinet Claims TCSA Treats Traillites as "second-rate students" Amid Fallout of Election Misinformation
Traill Cabinet representatives criticized the TCSA's promotion of an on-campus polling station from which Traill students were later barred from voting on February 27th as making Trail, Annex, and off-campus students feel like "an afterthought" to the Association. Graphic by Louanne Morin.
On-Campus Polling Plagued by Misinformation from Trent, TCSA
Many Trent University students residing on campus were left unsure where they could vote after posts from the Peterborough YNDP alleged some would be ineligible for an on-campus polling station promoted by the university and the TCSA. Further investigation by Arthur revealed widespread misinformation about student voter eligibility, which was proliferated by Trent, the TCSA, and YNDP.
Radio Free Arthur
At long last RFA returns from a pre-recorded hiatus to send off the Ontario Provincial Election with an hour's worth of sketch comedy bits and serious political insight.
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