Arthur Meets the Candidates for the TCSA Spring ElectionsArthur Meets the Candidates for the TCSA Spring Elections
Arthur Meets the Candidates for the TCSA Spring Elections
Arthur attended the Trent Central Student Association's Meet the Candidates event for the Association's Spring General Election on March 12th, where candidates debated parking, food security, and the possibility of alternate venues for the upcoming convocation ceremony.
Traill Cabinet Claims TCSA Treats Traillites as "second-rate students" Amid Fallout of Election MisinformationTraill Cabinet Claims TCSA Treats Traillites as "second-rate students" Amid Fallout of Election Misinformation
Traill Cabinet Claims TCSA Treats Traillites as "second-rate students" Amid Fallout of Election Misinformation
Traill Cabinet representatives criticized the TCSA's promotion of an on-campus polling station from which Traill students were later barred from voting on February 27th as making Trail, Annex, and off-campus students feel like "an afterthought" to the Association. Graphic by Louanne Morin.
TCSA Semi-Annual General Meeting Sees Announcement of Two New Positions, High Profits in 2024TCSA Semi-Annual General Meeting Sees Announcement of Two New Positions, High Profits in 2024
TCSA Semi-Annual General Meeting Sees Announcement of Two New Positions, High Profits in 2024
The TCSA's February 12th Semi-Annual General Meeting saw the presentation of the 2024-2025 Financial Statements, including high profits everywhere but the General Fund, and the announcement of two new positions.
Record Setting Win for Trent Men's Volleyball TeamRecord Setting Win for Trent Men's Volleyball Team
Record Setting Win for Trent Men's Volleyball Team
Ian Vansegbrook continues his ongoing and faithful coverage of Trent's Volleyball teams, and delivering the exciting news that he and the team have been waiting for years to come to pass.
The Future Feminine: Vivek Shraya Visits Trent to Speak and Perform for 29th Annual Margaret Laurence Lecture SeriesThe Future Feminine: Vivek Shraya Visits Trent to Speak and Perform for 29th Annual Margaret Laurence Lecture Series
The Future Feminine: Vivek Shraya Visits Trent to Speak and Perform for 29th Annual Margaret Laurence Lecture Series
Multidisplinary artist and author Vivek Shraya delivered the 29th Annual Margaret Laurence Lecture at Trent's Student Centre on January 22nd. With feminism at the core of her work, Shraya invited attendees to reimagine and reclaim femininity through a lens other than their own.
TCSA Announces Renewal of Transit Link for One Year Only, Upcoming Election ScheduleTCSA Announces Renewal of Transit Link for One Year Only, Upcoming Election Schedule
TCSA Announces Renewal of Transit Link for One Year Only, Upcoming Election Schedule
The Trent Central Student Association's Board of Directors discusses short-term renewals of bus routes from Selwyn, Spring 2025 election schedule, wage increases for its staff.
Trent Board of Governors Projects “Reductions” for Coming Year Following $12 Million Tuition LossTrent Board of Governors Projects “Reductions” for Coming Year Following $12 Million Tuition Loss
Trent Board of Governors Projects “Reductions” for Coming Year Following $12 Million Tuition Loss
Financial Reports to the Board of Governors predicted an operating deficit of $1.4 million, following tuition losses from the federal cap on international student visas.
Gather Yourself as Best as You Can, or, An End to the TCSA Elections SagaGather Yourself as Best as You Can, or, An End to the TCSA Elections Saga
Gather Yourself as Best as You Can, or, An End to the TCSA Elections Saga
The 2024 Fall By-Election saga comes to an end as Electoral results are ratified and further details about this year's cheating scandal are revealed.
Severn Court (October-August)

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