
Why You Should Read the Jurassic Park Book
Jurassic Park, written by Micheal Crichton and published in late 1990, is a phenomenal book. It’s a gripping horror-thriller, written with the help of experts from a variety of fields, artfully looking at the themes of human greed and ignorance. Unlike the film based on the book, the story is dark, filled with gruesome deaths, and a sense of dread that the movie failed to fully capture. 
Holiday Horror Films for the Whole Family
Do you find that the average holiday movie is “Ok”? Do you feel that if you watch one more flavourless Hallmark couple or one more Christmas miracle, you’ll become homicidal? Do you want blood? Gore? FEAR? Then you have come to the right place. As someone who adores the snow and hates the non-pagan traditions, I’ve compiled a list of six of the greatest holiday horror films to watch over the break. Just for you. Yes, you, Derek. 
A Review of Ridley Scott's Napoleon (2023)
Community Contributor, James Forrester, reviews Ridley Scott's 2023 film Napoleon.
Radio Free Arthur
For the first official episode marking the new year, your editors bring you topical news like the recent intent to resign from Trudeau, an update from Peterborough's municipal housing plan, and why Nosferatu (2024) should have been hornier.
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