Severn Court (October-August)
Theatre Trent 2023/24
Arthur News School of Fish
TUMS Annual Winter Concert at Wenjack Theatre

TUMS: Recapping 2014, and moving forward to 2015

Written by
Lindsay Thackeray
December 1, 2014
TUMS: Recapping 2014, and moving forward to 2015
TUMS Annual Winter Concert at Wenjack Theatre

Well, TUMS has wrapped up another successful semester. Way to go, guys.

Trent showed off its musical flair the other night with the Music Society’s annual winter concert, which took place Friday evening in Wenjack Theatre.

TUMS capped off the term with a number of excellent performances, fuelled by a crowded house filling most of the seats.

A big thanks to all who came out to support Trent’s musicians. We hope that you enjoyed the show.

Another thanks to everyone who helped to organize the event, not to mention the musicians who performed in it. Considering this mostly consists of stressed out, volunteer, university students plugging along towards the end of No-Sleep November, it makes this semester’s success all the more satisfying.

There are a number of reasons to get involved with the Trent Music Society, but when picking a word that best describes what we’re all about, the term ‘outlet’ comes to mind.

“It’s an outlet, like a creative outlet,” says concert band conductor Jasmine Rose. “It’s a break from school. We can play music, learn new instruments, and socialize. It’s just something fun to do outside of classes.”

Although we do hope that you build on your technical knowledge and improve your musical skill when participating in our bands and choirs, that’s not necessarily the main goal of TUMS.

Natalie Visser, the TUMS president as well as the baritone horn player in the concert band, feels the same way. “Concert band allows me a really good musical creative outlet. It’s easy for me to find time for something like that.”

TUMS provides the means for you to vent out your creative energies, especially if you don’t have any other way to do it. Seeing as Trent doesn’t have a music program, we try to fill this gap by making music more accessible.

We run two bands and two choirs, ensuring each group has a conductor and a place to practice. We rent instruments out to students who don’t have their own. We organize open mic sessions at local venues, providing artists with places to perform. We’re always open to new ways of providing an outlet for people looking to express their musical side.

Visser sees the value of participating in such a student organization, regardless of the level of commitment it demands. “Being president comes with its challenges, but seeing all these people involved with TUMS, and all of our groups having an awesome time at our concerts, and all our other events, it makes everything worth it.” she says.

Trying your best to learn and grow as a musician is sometimes difficult when you’re also dealing with school, work, and a number of other obligations. It’s easy to get overwhelmed and lose your motivation to keep playing. However, as evidenced by the TUMS concert band, it’s possible to still sound great while only practicing a couple hours a week.

“It’s about having fun,” says Rose, the conductor. “There’s no pressure to be an insanely great band. We try to play fun, lower-level music, so that everybody can participate and learn.”

Granted, TUMS does try to meet the needs of everyone. Those looking for a challenge can join our venture with the Kawartha Jazz Ensemble, in which Trent students practice with this group of highly-experienced musicians a few times a month. It’s definitely a rewarding and valuable experience, albeit a more demanding one.

Whether you’re playing a complex, key-changing, funk version of Jingle Bells (like the KJE), or powering through a lively, spirited take on the Pirates of the Caribbean theme music (like the concert band), you’re sure to get what you’re looking for out of the experience.

Regardless of your musical skill, experience, or level of commitment, the commonality between all musicians is a love of the music they play. This might be laying on the cheese, but as long as you’re having fun it’s honestly all that matters. So don’t be afraid to get involved and try something new. Your creative side will thank you.

TUMS runs a concert choir, madrigal choir, concert band, and jazz band. All groups are open to new members in January for the new semester.

Visit or contact for more information about joining groups or upcoming events.

Also, don’t forget about Battle of the Bands in March, as auditions will be opening up soon.

See you in the new year!

Severn Court (October-August)
Theatre Trent 2023/24
Arthur News School of Fish
Written By
Severn Court (October-August)
Theatre Trent 2023/24
Arthur News School of Fish

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