Arthur News School of Fish
Drum group Yerewolon performe at the Trent University Durham campus Black History Month celebration. Photo: Lindsay Blake

Trent University Durham Campus Celebrates Black History Month

Written by
Lindsay Blake
February 12, 2025
Trent University Durham Campus Celebrates Black History Month
Drum group Yerewolon performe at the Trent University Durham campus Black History Month celebration. Photo: Lindsay Blake

Wednesday, February 5th, 2025 I had the brilliant stroke of luck to happen upon the Black History Month Launch Celebration on the Trent University Durham Campus. As I wandered into the main atrium to catch up on reading in between lectures, I came upon a gathering of folks listening intently as a member of the committee addressed the crowd from the podium while the delightful aroma of Caribbean and African dishes filled my nostrils. 

I noted a mishmash of students, alumni, and folks of all ages, some of whom I’d never seen before. They were simultaneously taking in words of unity, celebration, acknowledgement with the intention to collaboratively, actively, and purposefully take it upon themselves to spend this February learning, listening, and leading the charge of Black brilliance in our academic community and beyond. 

The launch, and all this month's events, are put on by Trent Durham’s Black History Month Committee of Durham students and faculty. An amazing array of events is happening throughout the month, from educational luncheons, and informative panels with renowned guest speakers, to games that engage students in having fun while learning Black history. 

Sneaky. Such shenanigans remind me of when my kids were young. HA! I tricked you, this is EDUCATIONAL but you have no idea! Silly kids. So easy to manipulate. 

Regardless, I digress. I suppose we’re all academics here, which implies our thirst for knowledge. However, I will say rather pointedly (with love, not accusational undertones I assure you), that we could all do better in our vigour for knowledge about the subject at hand here in the GTA.  

The next person to grace the podium, a woman I had never before heard of was introduced and stepped up to the podium. Her name was Judith Shaw. 

The moment this absolute force of nature came into focus something shifted. There was something about her presence, her stature, her person that foreshadowed the brilliance about to fall on my ears. She was introduced as a woman from Kingston, Jamaica, an author, and a woman of integrity. There was more said but to be perfectly frank, I was so wholly captivated by her so immediately and fully that everything else around me halt once she entered my line of sight. 

Author Judith Shaw

Judith gave thanks to her ancestors and brilliant Black predecessors and inspirations, notably Maya Angelou and Martin Luther King Jr, then took the care to thank all the powerful, influential, and beautiful Black people she couldn’t name but surrounded her and us at this moment. 

Then, to paraphrase, she said, ‘Just as Martin Luther King Jr had a dream, so do I…’ What followed was one of the most powerful, visceral, thought-provoking, brilliant pieces of poetry or performance I have ever had the immense pleasure of being privy to. In her brilliant spoken word poem she spoke of unity, decimation of hate and separation, of love, and community. 

After Judith left the stage, we were graced with an African drum group hailing from the GTA. Yerewolon comprises five members, Kimberly, Patrick, Whitney-Anne, Christian, and Sherwin. They played a varying meld of drums and the lesser-known percussion instrument the krin. Dressed in traditional African garb they exuded strength and joy. Their performance was something special indeed. It was a wonderful closing to a beautiful launch to an incredibly important and poignant celebration of Black History Month. 

Trent University Durham boasts many events this month in celebration and acknowledgement of Black History Month:

February 12th; Black Student Lunch and Connections 

February 13th; Afro-Indigenous Experience Panel 

February 25th; Black Communities Around the World 

February 26th; Black Communities Around the World 

February 26th; Black Student Lunch and Connections 

February 26th; Quick Talk Cafe 

February 27th; Black-Owned Small Business Market 

February 27th; Anti-Black Racism and Black Social Life in the Canadian Context

Severn Court (October-August)
Written By
Arthur News School of Fish

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