Arthur News School of Fish
Norma Araiza and Olga Barrios of Vanguardia Dance Projects will be preforming "Hybrid Women" at NIFF June 24, 26 and 27. Go to NIFF's website for more details:

Nogojiwanong Indigenous Fringe Festival Premiers Covid-Style

Written by
Lucas Schaefer
June 21, 2021
Nogojiwanong Indigenous Fringe Festival Premiers Covid-Style
Norma Araiza and Olga Barrios of Vanguardia Dance Projects will be preforming "Hybrid Women" at NIFF June 24, 26 and 27. Go to NIFF's website for more details:

With today being National Indigenous Peoples Day, this coming week presents the perfect opportunity to support the world’s first Indigenous Fringe Festival (NIFF) happening right here in Nogojiwanong Peterborough: A week-long lineup of performances from a variety of Indigenous artists.

NIFF is an Indigenous-led project that focuses on training and building up a huge swathe of Indigenous artists from all across Turtle-Island. Not only focused on platforming Indigenous artists, NIFF, alongside it’s Knowledge Sharing Project, shares “an extensive commitment to the development and transmittal of cultural knowledge and creative practice.” Artists are given the opportunity to attend skill-building workshops and receive mentorship from either Drew Hayden-Taylor (a well-known and prolific author, playwright and journalist from Curve Lake First Nation), Muriel Miguel (Founder and Artistic Director of Spiderwoman Theater), or Deborah Ratelle (the Managing Director of Two Spirit Productions and consultant with Spiderwoman Theater). With such a star-studded group supporting behind the scenes, you can only imagine the talent of those planning to perform!

NIFF begins tonight, June 21, with a free online Facebook Live event at 6:00 p.m. Tonight, organizers will introduce the festival and the performances that will take place from Wednesday, June 23 to Sunday, June 27. Hosting a live drive-in performance experience on our very own Trent campus and featuring folk-singers, comedians, slam-poets, storytellers, educational performers, and dancers there’s something for everyone at this festival!

Make sure to check out the performance schedule, artist bios, and the in-depth principles of practice all available on NIFF's website, and make sure to grab your tickets here!

NIFF performances will take place in Parking Lot X on the East Bank of Trent's Symons Campus. For more information visit NIFF's website:
Trent Board of Govenors Call for Student Nominations
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Trent Board of Govenors Call for Student Nominations
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