Severn Court (October-August)
Theatre Trent 2023/24
Arthur News School of Fish

Letter to the Editors: Pride Call to Action for September 20th

Written by
David King
September 3, 2024
Letter to the Editors: Pride Call to Action for September 20th

I am sending a number of LGBTQ+ organizations and key community members/stakeholders this email today to bring attention to a serious emergent concern regarding the safety of our transgender/gender non-conforming community at Pride events during the month of September. 

As Peterborough's Pride Month begins, I wanted to reach out to relevant groups and organizations about furthering safety measures for Pride events in Peterborough, especially around the key date of September 20th. I also want to involve the community as well, and initiate a wider conversation around what we as community members and allies can do to support each other in this tumultuous climate. 

As most of you are aware, there was a sizable anti-trans demonstration in Peterborough last September, which is one of many events around Ontario and Canada promoting the “protection” of children from "gender ideology" in schools and enshrine "parental rights" to disengage with related curriculum. These events are primarily organized by a string of online hate groups that incubate anti-LGBTQ+ sentiment, and also organize similar demonstrations at drag-related events for children, something that has also afflicted our community previously. 

Despite being met with counter-resistance, the "1 Million March 4 Kids" event in Peterborough was very violent and disconcerting, especially for transgender community members like myself. With other events once again cropping up provincially and nationally, I have heard a multitude of concerns from the community about this very same event recurring in Peterborough on September 20th, 2024. While I have not seen concrete details about a similar demonstration yet, I feel it prudent to urge organizations and individuals to listen to this anxiety, and be proactive in their efforts to protect its community members. 

Speaking as a frontline opponent to this movement and an LGBTQ+ organizer for many years, I urge you to consider further measures regarding the safety of trans students and youth, and make the solidarity you purport real. 

Quite frankly, going to a "protest" to argue for the public existence of people like myself and then attend Pride programming is an emotional whiplash unlike anything I've experienced. One day, we are violently provoked and insulted very publicly, then the next, we are expected to show up despite this, as visible and strong amongst our community. I cannot be the only one to think this is absolutely unacceptable to ask of our most vulnerable, especially when there is little tangible support for transgender members of our community outside of platitudes. 

I'm of the belief that we can do better than this, and it is my sincere hope that this correspondence inspires discussion around what can be done for trans people in Peterborough, especially students and youth. I implore you to promote community care by providing concrete resources, establishing safety measures around relevant programming/events, and discussing this matter with your peers and allies. Let's move beyond just public allyship and start putting our money where our mouth is.  

Solutions could look like many things, depending on capacity and organizational goals/ability, but my intent with this letter is to bring your attention to a very serious threat to the wellbeing of our community. The absence of several local organizations that consistently promote their support for LGBTQ+ people publicly was especially felt at this particular action last year, and I wish to rectify that by providing any and all guidance regarding this issue.

Severn Court (October-August)
Theatre Trent 2023/24
Arthur News School of Fish
Written By
Severn Court (October-August)
Theatre Trent 2023/24
Arthur News School of Fish

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