Severn Court (October-August)
Theatre Trent 2023/24
Arthur News School of Fish
"The Fairy Tale Became Truth" 1961

A Review of Viktor Pelevine’s Omon Ra

Written by
Magali Nichol
March 14, 2024
A Review of Viktor Pelevine’s Omon Ra
"The Fairy Tale Became Truth" 1961

Victor Pelevine’s Omon Ra presents a harsh critique of the Soviet space program. The novel was published in 1992, just one year after the dissolution of the Soviet Union. Originally written in Russian, the short, fast-paced novel is often praised for its poetic prose and absurdity, which also shine through in its english translation. 

Through the protagonist, Omon’s voice, we are told the story of his one-way journey to the moon. His desire to become a cosmonaut, linked with his personal idea of freedom, is apparent since his childhood. Omon enrolls in a KGB military academy. Through the extreme training, he realizes that the goal of the institution is to weed out the strongest and most dedicated soldiers, a theme that is prominent throughout the novel. The association between heroism and sacrifice is further enforced onto him after getting selected to go to the moon for a secret mission. Upon the completion of this quest, the death of his fellow cadets and the discovery of Soviet corpses on the moon’s surface, Omon comes to the intense realization that there is no freedom beyond the Soviet Union. 

Not much is known about Pelevine, although his books often contain themes of absurdity, politics, and satire, which could allude to his personal views and experiences linked with the Soviet regime. The author was born in Moscow in 1962 around the height of the Soviet Space Program. The close proximity between the dissolution of the Soviet Union (1991) and the Publication of Omon Ra (1992) also suggests that the novel could have been worked on while the regime was still in place. 

My appreciation for the novel largely comes from the character of Omon. The character’s inner monologue follows us throughout the entire novel, making it easy to construct an image of him. The consistency of Omon’s character is very well-executed; his pattern of thinking, morals and emotionality stay true to his character over the course of his evolution. His actions also align well with his chain of thought. The way Pelevine presents Omon paints a picture of a realistic young man, making it easy to connect with him, and the novel. 

The book, which is seen as a satire of the Soviet space program, also provides a valuable critique of the Soviet Union. The glorification of the regime within itself as a means of control is one of the main themes of the novel; this notion is particularly put into perspective during cadet training. Sacrifice for the greater purpose of the Soviet Union is celebrated by officials in the story, to the point where it becomes expected of the cadets. 

The part of the book I found to be the most interesting and important was the study of Soviet ‘heroes’ as part of Omon’s training; one of these being a man dressed as a bear allowing himself to get murdered for the leisure of a potential American ally, who enjoyed bear-hunting. I find this anecdote to be allegorical of the overall message, along with other instances of radical training and dialogue in the novel. Through these, Pelevine criticizes how the value of the Soviet Union itself overrides the value of its people, and that as a result of this, absolute freedom is impossible within the regime. 

Although I do not know much about space exploration, the storyline itself was also interesting. The narrative being told through the eyes of the protagonist makes it particularly engaging, especially with Omon’s knowledge of his own fate as he is training for the suicide-mission. The ideals of freedom and restriction within the sci-fi tale add another thrilling dimension to it. The author also includes a great deal of absurdity which makes the entire scenario more riveting. Despite these elements, Omon Ra still encapsulates a degree of realism, making it easy to connect to the story.

Overall, even though Omon Ra is not the type of book I usually go for, I very much enjoyed it. Pelevine manages to deliver a broader message through an interesting narrative. The characters are exceptionally well-written which allows the reader to almost situate themself within the story. Omon Ra provides a different, more personal view than what we are used to seeing on the Soviet space program and the broader Soviet Union.

Severn Court (October-August)
Theatre Trent 2023/24
Arthur News School of Fish
Written By
Severn Court (October-August)
Theatre Trent 2023/24
Arthur News School of Fish

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