
A Packed Shack: Trent Varsity Volleyball Play Home-Opener Games
Over the November 17th home opener weekend, hundreds of students packed the "Shack"—the Trent University gymnasium—in support of Trent's varisty volleyball teams in their double-header against Guelph. Arthur's intrepid correspondent of all things volleyball was there to sus out the buzz and tell the hard hitting truths about Subway sandwiches and volleyball moms.
A Promising Trent Volleyball Season
Trent University’s varsity volleyball teams’ morale is high as they enter the 2023-2024 season. After a strong performance in the pre-season, they have lofty goals.
Radio Free Arthur
This week the editors discuss a variety of topics including (but not limited to) Varsity Volleyball, Budget, Transit, and the mysterious Excaliburnt Out Report.
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