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Photo via Charlie Wisner

A Promising Trent Volleyball Season

Written by
Ian Vansegbrook
November 16, 2023
A Promising Trent Volleyball Season
Photo via Charlie Wisner

Trent University’s varsity volleyball teams’ morale is high as they enter the 2023-2024 season. After a strong performance in the pre-season, they have lofty goals. 

After a strong performance against Queen’s, a nationally ranked team, both the men’s and women's team are looking forward to this year. While ultimately still having both lost, they performed admirably. Both lost a set by the skin of their teeth—one of which with a close 26-28 score—and the men managed to win a set as well. Instead of being disheartened, this just made them more determined. An impressive showing against such a prestigious team has to be noted as the accomplishment it is.

After the setback of the pandemic, the teams are feeling confident about their improvements. In the previous season of ‘22–’23, the men’s team managed to set an all-time record of two games won, beating RMC in back-to-back games. They are optimistic about beating that record this year.

The women’s team in particular shows dogged strength. With only a nine-player team in the pre-season due to injury, they managed to outperform even the highest expectations, dealing with teams that had close to twice their playable members. Many of those injured have now been cleared to play once more, and they now boast nearly a full team.

Associate coach Rebecca Van Staalduinen of the women's team is proud of how her team played, and relates it to the team chemistry that has been built. As a former member of the team, she has the unique position of having experience on the team which she brings to her coaching. The coordination they’ve built is expected to be invaluable, as many other varsity teams have fresh teams.

Covid had a large impact on the sport, as everything else. With the cancellation of the 2020–2021 season, athletes were allowed to compete one year further. This led to older and more mature players on the court. Now however, most of these older players have filed through, which allows our younger program (entering its sixth year) to flourish. 

The youth of the volleyball program has meant there are many problems to overcome. The gym flooring does not have adequate shock absorption, putting unnecessary strain on the players. Many of those on both teams have complained of shin splints caused by it. Beyond this, as a newer sport at Trent, it lacks the support that our lacrosse and rowing teams have access to. 

Despite this, there is a feeling of excitement among the players. In a conversation at the tail-end of the preseason, men’s varsity team member Charlie Winser claimed “The boys are buzzin’.” This colourful anecdote accurately captures their spirits. The teams feel confident about their advancements, and how they’ve matured.

This  sentiment is shared with the head coach of both teams, Collin Walker. In an exclusive Arthur interview, he said that he felt that the teams were progressing and training well. He also expressed a wish for a strong audience turnout at the game, which was mirrored by the athletes, who regularly post on Instagram to bring in more spectators, with the charming chant of “Pack the Shack!”

This Friday and Saturday, November 17th and 18th Trent will play host to the teams’ home opener and only home game this season. The women’s game starts at 6pm and the men’s at 8 pm both nights. The game is against Guelph, who are currently ranked 2nd in Ontario men’s, and 4th in women’s. The game will also be in tribute to passed Alumni Stewart Williamson, who was on the team from 2014–2019, and will include a speech by the men’s team captain. There will also be a food drive conducted by the women’s team. All are encouraged to bring non-perishable goods to the game, where they will be donated to One Roof Peterborough. 

With a year that promises to show off the gains our volleyball teams have made, Trent volleyball is optimistic for their 6th season. A year that is sure to be competitive and entertaining, be sure to come out to their games and Pack the Shack.

Written By
Severn Court (October-August)

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