
A Packed Shack: Trent Varsity Volleyball Play Home-Opener Games
Over the November 17th home opener weekend, hundreds of students packed the "Shack"—the Trent University gymnasium—in support of Trent's varisty volleyball teams in their double-header against Guelph. Arthur's intrepid correspondent of all things volleyball was there to sus out the buzz and tell the hard hitting truths about Subway sandwiches and volleyball moms.
A Promising Trent Volleyball Season
Trent University’s varsity volleyball teams’ morale is high as they enter the 2023-2024 season. After a strong performance in the pre-season, they have lofty goals.
Radio Free Arthur
Arthur's editorial team are back and bedraggled, having spent the weekend packin' the shack and the better part of the week paying far too close attention to Peterborough City Hall. However, the news waits for no mere man, and so long as the busses keep runnin' and the river don't rise, our editors will be here to heed their divinely-orda
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