Editorial: Whose Student Union is it?
In what can only be described as a sucker punch to those of the Association’s membership who showed up to vote on specific by-law amendments which they rejected—twice—during a February 14th Semi Annual General Meeting (SAGM), the TCSA decided to ignore the will of students who cast their vote in a duly convened meeting and force the questions to appear on a referendum on the Spring Election ballot. 
February 11th TCSA Board of Directors Meeting: Proposed By-Law Amendments Take Centre Stage
The February 11th Trent Central Student Association Board of Directors meeting saw multiple heated discussions, and the announcement of new measures, from $12,000 of funding for Sadleir House put up for referendum, to by-law amendments simplifying the TCSA’s internal impeachment processes.
Jan 21st TCSA Board Meeting: Attendance Plummets, Student Staff Union Busts
In the TCSA's first board meeting of the second semester and the new calendar year, the Association outlined plans for the remainder of the operating year and upcoming Spring Elections. Significantly, Arthur learned that the longstanding plans for a Student Staff union have reportedly fallen through, leaving the future of students employed by Trent's housing department uncertain.
Radio Free Arthur
It's a time-travelling, rip-roaring, closet-recording RFA this week, as the show known for only the most breaking of news brings you the stale knowledge that beloved boy bandmate and (alleged) domestic abuser Liam Payne has died.
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