Head Of The Trent Overshadows National Day for Truth and Reconciliation Sparking Outrage From Students
September 30th marks the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation in Canada. On this same date, Trent University—an institution that famously promotes and profits off of their purported Indigenous inclusivity and education—hosted its annual Head of The Trent Homecoming celebration. 
Editorial: I Don't Want Your "Support"
In the crisp early morning of September 20th, 2023, a group of people congregated outside of City Hall. Despite the sunny weather, the atmosphere was bleak. Attendees appeared bedraggled—demoralized not only by the early time of morning, but equally by the matter at hand. One notable absence, meanwhile, came in the form of the Trent Central Student Association.Whereas many students made the decision of their own conviction to attend, and some professors went so far as to cancel classes and encourage students to attend the counter-protest, the body possessing theoretically the largest potential for mass student mobilization stayed silent on the matter
Back to Business for Trent's Central Student Association
The Trent Central Student Association's Board of Directors gathered for the first time this academic year to discuss committee appointments, executive reports, and the perennial issue of Peterborough Public Transit
Radio Free Arthur
It's a time-travelling, rip-roaring, closet-recording RFA this week, as the show known for only the most breaking of news brings you the stale knowledge that beloved boy bandmate and (alleged) domestic abuser Liam Payne has died.
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