Trent University Has a Branding Problem
Most people likely give Trent's logo little-to-no thought. Luckily, Evan Robins is here to ruin another beloved Trent institution! In this article she dives into the background of Trent's symbolic sword, and answers the question as to whom it belongs.
Is There Power in a (Student) Union?
Evan Robins reports on the history of apathy and lack of engagement and accountability exhibited by successive TCSA Boards and asks how they can purport to represent the students of Trent with such a thin mandate.
Editorial: Institutions and Leaders Continue to Fail Us
Co-Editor Sebastian Johnston-Lindsay gives a run-down on the ineffectual leadership on display around the Trent and Peterborough community.
Radio Free Arthur
It's a time-travelling, rip-roaring, closet-recording RFA this week, as the show known for only the most breaking of news brings you the stale knowledge that beloved boy bandmate and (alleged) domestic abuser Liam Payne has died.
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