Reframe Film Festival

ReFrame: An Antidote to Nihilism
In this essay, Nick Taylor reviews four films from this year's ReFrame line-up: Kímmapiiyipitssini: The Meaning of Empathy, Writing With Fire, The Cost of Freedom, and The Viewing Booth. Weaving these disparate narratives together, Taylor meditates on the art of story-telling, ultimately identifying it as an antidote to nihilism.
ReFrame Review: Bangla Surf Girls
This documentary follows three Bangladeshi teenage girls who are determined to surf despite the challenges posed by poverty, misogyny, and complex family dynamics. Bangla Surf Girls beautifully captures the extreme social conditions these young women face, like wading through rubble just to catch the perfect wave.
ReFrame Review: Daughter of a Lost Bird
This film follows Kendra, a Lummi woman who grew up separated from her culture. Read Cheyenne Wood’s review of this 2020 documentary about Indigenous identity, family and intergenerational healing.
Radio Free Arthur
The Arthur crew are back, beleaguered, and in the studio for the first time this year. With a busy week of ReFrame reviews bogging them down, they discuss the entries for this year's documentary film festival, some exciting new about Cleantech Commons, and a brand new segment from the courts, courtesy of Arthur's own sports correspondent
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