Severn Court (October-August)
Toy Doctor Kiaz Trepte, star of Toy Hospital Photo: Diego Rotmistrovsky courtesy of ReFrame Film Festival

ReFrame Review: Toy Hospital

Written by
Ciara Richardson
January 7, 2025
ReFrame Review: Toy Hospital
Toy Doctor Kiaz Trepte, star of Toy Hospital Photo: Diego Rotmistrovsky courtesy of ReFrame Film Festival

Toy Hospital is a short and sweet documentary profiling the former alternative fashion designer Kiaz Trepte and her present creative journey as a ‘toy doctor.’ Trepte’s toy hospital is exactly what it sounds like: a place where old toys of sentimental value can be brought back to life with love and care.

Trepte promotes the art of DIY and recycling old toys and repairing them or turning them into something new. As with fast fashion, the modern toy industry is not marketing toys of high quality, but rather toys that can be broken and replaced relatively quickly. 

With the rise of over-consumption in the age of shopping sites such as Temu and Aliexpress, the art of DIY and recycling supports a more green lifestyle. Trepte believes that toys that are made today appear to be made with the intent of being broken, therefore she revives old and damaged trinkets to counter a need to replace. Afterall, these childhood toys are a more authentic capsule of memory than any replacement could be. She favours the sacral value of nostalgia by upkeeping items that hold memory to the owner rather than them having to replace said item with an upgraded version. This serves as a memento of the human experience which is alike to sentimentality; the need to hold on to precious memories is important to so many people of different backgrounds and upbringings.

Focusing on customer satisfaction, the toy doctor describes the proud feeling of seeing her clients get emotional after seeing their favourite childhood toy in top condition once again. The film does an excellent job at showcasing this unique line of work, and can be encouraging to anyone who is creative and crafty to pick up some old childhood relics and turn them into something whimsical again.

Toy Hospital is a heartwarming showing of a wholesome yet environmentally conscious business and displays how reusing has its own sense of fulfillment that consuming lacks. To anyone who loves DIY or even has their own collection of sentimental toys (I know you at least have one), this short documentary is the perfect way to inspire the creation of your own personal toy hospital.

Arthur News School of Fish
Written By
Severn Court (October-August)

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