
Black History Month Kicks Off With Community Race Relations Committee Proclamation Celebration
Peterborough proclaims February Black History Month at a vibrant celebration of Black, queer artistry hosted by the Community Race Relations Committee, BLM Nogojiwanong, and the Centre for Gender and Social Justice.
Trent University’s Alternative Arts Collective ‘Raves to the Grave’ for Halloween Weekend
Trent University's Alternative Arts Collective is a young organization working with local artists. Learn what they've got planned for this year, and how they've grown since their inception.
Living History Through Re-enactment
Newly-hired Volume 58 journalist Ian Vansegbrook undertakes a perilous journey to the far flung land of Hastings, ON, to experience first-hand the Deed of the Red Knight—a historical re-enactment with a focus on practical archeology.
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