Arthur Newspaper: Volume 55

2017 Campus Sexual Assault Case Continues
In this article, Elizabeth Mitton provides an update on the ongoing legal battle surrounding an alleged sexual assault that took place on Trent University's Symons Campus in September 2017. After the criminal charges against Adam Bullock were dropped, his legal team filed a civil suit that has since been responded to with a countersuit.
Femmephobia: What’s the Impact?
Through this article, we discuss how everyone is affected by femmephobia and how it is engrained into the dominant culture to devalue and police those who are femme. With a specific focus on the 2SLGBTQ++ community, this article hopes to inform the general public on how to be more intersectional, understand micro-aggressions and create a discussion on how we conduct ourselves in society.
Femmephobia: Q&A with Dr. Rhea Ashley Hoskin
In this article, Aras Mommertz interviews Dr. Rhea Ashley Hoskin about her research on gender roles, hegemonic femininity, and how society values feminine-presenting people. They discuss how everyone is affected by femmephobia and how it is engrained into the dominant culture to devalue and police those who are femme.
What's the Point?
Episode 2 of Arthur Newspaper's weekly podcast. This episode was written and produced by disturbingly caffeinated people, and it shows.
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