Arthur Newspaper: Volume 55

TCSA Elections Part 2: The Executive Candidates
In her second article covering the TCSA Spring Elections, Irene Suvillaga focuses on the candidates running for executive positions. Suvillaga documents the second half of the ‘Candidate Meet and Greet’ where the candidates for VP Health and Wellness, and VP Campaigns and Equity shared their platforms and answered questions from viewers and previous TCSA board members.
Transit Town
Radiyah Kareem details the changes that have been made in the past year since the COVID-19 pandemic took hold of Peterborough. She investigates how the changes affect various groups in the community; those who rely on transit for access work and necessities including Peterborough locals, students who live downtown and on campus.
TCSA Elections Part 1: The Equity Commissioner Candidates
Irene Suvillaga covers last week’s “TCSA Candidates Meet and Greet.” In this article she focuses on the only contested Equity Commissioner position: Women's Student Commissioner, detailing the two candidates' answers during the Q & A period. Suvillaga also covers the platforms presented by the candidates for Part-Time Student Commissioner, Environment and Sustainability Commissioner, and Students with Disabilities Commissioner.
What's the Point?
This week on What's the Point?! interview this years candidates running in the TCSA Spring Elections! We start with a quick primer on what the TCSA is and what has been up in the past few years. Listen in to get the tea on how to vote in this year's elections.
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