This week we have arranged interviews with the candidates for the TCSA Spring Elections! In all honesty, this has been the most difficult audio-project we have embarked upon. In making this podcast - in conducting the interviews, and throughout the audio-editing process, we had to balance our obligations towards fairness and objectivity, while still making this podcast listenable.

The intro includes a quick primer on what the TCSA is and what has been up in the past few years. If you want to jump to specific candidates:

10:33 - VP Campaigns and Equity: Morgan Carl and Zoe Litow-Daye

37:35 - VP Health and Wellness: Teika Viducis, Carter Tongs and Brook Bartlett

59:05 - President: Wendy Walker

*We had conducted an interview with the candidate for VP University and College Affairs, who has since dropped out of the race. We have yet to hear from the TCSA about what will be done to fill this role for the upcoming academic year, but we will be sure to keep you in the know.

Check out the platforms for the executive and other board positions on our website! Voting runs March 12-18, Trent students will receive a ballot in their inbox.

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Severn Court (October-August)
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Growing Pains
After a hiatus, Growing Pains has returned to bring you two episodes all about student activism at Trent. In Part 1 & 2 we map out Trent’s radical, activist roots and take stock of the changes that have taken place over the past 20 years.
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