Arthur Newspaper: Volume 58

A Promising Trent Volleyball Season
Trent University’s varsity volleyball teams’ morale is high as they enter the 2023-2024 season. After a strong performance in the pre-season, they have lofty goals.
20th Anniversary of Shakespeare Night Seance
The Globe was shocked on November 9th, 2023 as Shakespeare’s wife came back to life in a coffee shop in Peterborough, ON. Dishevelled, and looking fresh as a week-old banana, she burst into a room patiently waiting for Shakespeare to pick up his after-life phone. She was loud, vulgar, crude, and most importantly, entertaining beyond belief. 
Iskwē Talks Upcoming Performance and New Single
Arthur journalist, Kiki Paterson sat down with Cree Métis singer-songwriter Iskwē to talk about her new single, “Part Two” and upcoming performance in Peterborough on November 24th.
Radio Free Arthur
Produced by
Abbigale Kernya
Evan Robins
The girls are sans Sebastian in this episode of Radio Free Arthur and as such, took this opportunity to discuss why they are the way they are via personally curated Spotify playlists.
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