Arthur Newspaper: Volume 58

A Promising Trent Volleyball Season
Trent University’s varsity volleyball teams’ morale is high as they enter the 2023-2024 season. After a strong performance in the pre-season, they have lofty goals.
20th Anniversary of Shakespeare Night Seance
The Globe was shocked on November 9th, 2023 as Shakespeare’s wife came back to life in a coffee shop in Peterborough, ON. Dishevelled, and looking fresh as a week-old banana, she burst into a room patiently waiting for Shakespeare to pick up his after-life phone. She was loud, vulgar, crude, and most importantly, entertaining beyond belief. 
Iskwē Talks Upcoming Performance and New Single
Arthur journalist, Kiki Paterson sat down with Cree Métis singer-songwriter Iskwē to talk about her new single, “Part Two” and upcoming performance in Peterborough on November 24th.
Radio Free Arthur
After a week away, the editors return with the story of the century: Pickleball is back in the hearts and minds of Peterborans, and it's heating things up at City Hall!
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