Introducing the Peterborough Politics Podcast, a weekly podcast with Sebastian Johnston-Lindsay and Danny Taro. Episode 1 "Catching Up" is all about getting up to speed with the municipal politics of Peterborough, Ontario, Canada. We discuss how City Council has been responding to Transit, Policing, the Opioid Epidemic, the Housing Crisis and more.

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Sebastian Johnston-Lindsay is a Canadian Studies PhD Candidate at Trent University and the Coordinating Editor of Arthur, the independent student newspaper for Trent University and Peterborough-Nogojiwanong.

Danny Taro, a.k.a. MyHomie2Taro is a livestreamer and content creator based out of Peterborough, Ontario, who focuses on Canadian news, politics and culture. He is also the Website Designer for Arthur and has prevously sat on Arthur's Board of Directors.

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ReFrame 2025
Severn Court (October-August)
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Growing Pains
After a hiatus, Growing Pains has returned to bring you two episodes all about student activism at Trent. In Part 1 & 2 we map out Trent’s radical, activist roots and take stock of the changes that have taken place over the past 20 years.
Arthur Volume 56 "All Summer Long"