Severn Court (October-August)
Promotional image for Trent University Relay for Life on March 8, 2019. Image via Trent Relay for Life on Facebook.

Trent Relay for Life on March 8

Written by
Melissa Bennett
February 25, 2019
Trent Relay for Life on March 8
Promotional image for Trent University Relay for Life on March 8, 2019. Image via Trent Relay for Life on Facebook.

Cancer changes everything, but so can we.

That is one of the messages featured on the Canadian’s Cancer Society’s Relay for Life website. As Trent students, it is our pleasure to participate in Relay for Life as part of an effort to raise as much money as we can for cancer research funding.

[caption id="attachment_16594" align="aligncenter" width="1440"]

Trent Relay for Life 2018. Photo courtesy of Melissa Bennett.[/caption]

This year, Trent’s Relay event will take place on March 8 from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m., in Trent’s Athletic Centre. This event is an amazing way to make new friends and amazing memories, all the while supporting a great cause.

Our line-up of activities includes a Don’t Forget the Lyrics Lip-Sync Battle, water pong (put those skills to the test!), Minute to Win It mini challenges, surprise snacks (could be Yoyo’s or Kawartha Dairy!), and morning Zumba to keep us awake in the last few hours of our 12-hour stretch. We also have an amazing face painter and a photo booth booked for three hours! There will also be gift baskets, giftcards, and other special treats being sold in our silent auction all night.

Water pong at Trent Relay for Life 2018. Photo courtesy of Melissa Bennett.

Most importantly, this night is about remembering those we have lost to cancer and appreciating the strength of those who have lived through it. In our Survivors’ Lap and Luminary Lap, we come together to find strength and comfort in one another. This night is not only about raising money for a cause close to many of our hearts, but Relay for Life is also about making memories with our teammates.

Please join this amazing cause! Sign up for one of our existing teams, or make your own. Teams can have as many members as you would like. Simply Google “Trent Relay for Life” and follow the prompts to sign up. Anyone can join, including students from Fleming College! Spread the word, get a team together, and join our amazing event. It won’t disappoint.

For more information, visit our Facebook page and our Instagram page.

[caption id="attachment_16596" align="aligncenter" width="1310"]

Banner-making at Trent Relay for Life 2018. Photo courtesy of Melissa Bennett.[/caption]

Trent Board of Govenors Call for Student Nominations
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Trent Board of Govenors Call for Student Nominations
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