Severn Court (October-August)
Theatre Trent 2023/24
Arthur News School of Fish
Front of Trent Radio house, at 715 George street North, Peterborough, Ontario.

Trent Radio embraces Record Production Month challenge

Written by
Daniela Leal
February 4, 2017
Trent Radio embraces Record Production Month challenge
Front of Trent Radio house, at 715 George street North, Peterborough, Ontario.

We keep surprising ourselves with how well we work under pressure. Sometimes we are only working when deadlines are threatening and that is when it’s bad, real bad. You are working under pressure because you suck at managing your time, but I know that will come as no surprise to you. You must already know about your terrible work ethic. But I have no business in reprimanding you like this when February is already too miserable of a month here up north. For that, I apologise.

I will assume that you are not looking forward to the pit of despair that builds coincidentally at the same rate that February approximates. But allow me to tell you that during this month, the way out of the pit of despair is something that during any other month would lead you towards it. Yes, your bad habits of procrastination and terrible work ethic can save your poor soul from your discontent with the mediocrity of the sun and perpetual cloudiness that hides the blue skies we yearn for.

February is a wayward month. In harsh years, as was 2016, some look back at February with gratitude for its conciseness, because it made our trip around the sun a tad shorter. Those who see la vie en rose, just wish that February would be patient, not quick, not rushed, just calm and timely as all other months. But for you, I tell you, February’s 28 days are exactly what you need.

February, in other words, Record Production Month (RPM) is challenging you to create original music. February feels guilty for putting you in such misery, but it won’t let you out easily. It wants something from you, which means putting you in that place where your bad habits are all that can save you. The deadline is daunting, clocks are ticking, there’s a drop of sweat hanging on the tip of your nose. Make some music, all the music making that you have been putting off, do it now.

RPM is an international challenge – and Peterborough is hopping on board. The RPM Challenge dares you to record ten tracks or 35 minutes of original music. Make it yours. If you have old poems in old notebooks you can add a tune to them, make it a song. Make some noise, feel good about it, dig up your inner tunes that have been muted by snowfalls. You’ll make it out. It is not a contest, so feel pressured only by your own standards and February’s rush.

Trent Radio lives for music; breathes, sleeps, eats for music, and most importantly, for local music. So we recruit you, artist, singer, lost soul, to get inspired by misery, your muse, this article, or the deadline and keep filling us with local content. Be courageous, trust yourself, submit it to us, and you might be surprised when finding your genius on Trent Radio – CFFF 92.7 FM in Peterborough.

Severn Court (October-August)
Theatre Trent 2023/24
Arthur News School of Fish
Written By
Severn Court (October-August)
Theatre Trent 2023/24
Arthur News School of Fish
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