Severn Court (October-August)
Theatre Trent 2023/24
Arthur News School of Fish

Trent Fashion Show raises money for charity

Written by
Ugyen Wangmo
March 17, 2016
Trent Fashion Show raises money for charity

“FIERCE” The final runway of the annual Trent Fashion Show (TFS) for year 2015/16 brought together over hundreds of supporters to raise funds for a charity.

In conjunction, the first annual look book of TFS was also launched. The book, which is also another means to raise funds, will be available for the entire month of March for a donation of $5 each.

“With each passing year, we grow bigger and perform better," said Reba Harrison, director of TFS.

The final show was themed FIERCE, it was called so to celebrate self-love, body positivity and self confidence, said Harrison, which is “a core value of the group.”

The show was a success, informed Harrison, as she painted the general ambience and energy from the night.

The response of the audience was in agreement with the theme of the night. They didn't hold back, but with confidence shouted out their appreciation of and contentment with the show. The reaction received further established the theme, all the while supporting the local charity group, said Harrison.

The runway channelled models that were thoroughly inclusive and reflective of the real society and the local community.

They showcased local retailers and works of local designers, namely Gear Punk'd, Style by Keren, Blackbird Pie, RW & CO., House of Sass and Magic, Thin City Skate shop and No Regrets.

In addition, a stand up comedy act by Kristal Jones and a fire dance performance by Thomas Vaccaro from the PyroFlys also graced the event.

The bold hair styles of the models, topped off with exaggerated volume, was created by the talents of hairstylists, namely Roy Fung, Brianne Bartlett, Leigh Kasaboski, Crystal Vanderlinde, Mikeela Skellekie, Samantha Banton and stylists from Fandango Salon and Spa.


Fierce, daring looks fully flushed with adventure and confidence were the work of makeup artists, such as Megan Mcilvenna, Cindy Campos, Hila Yasini, Tristan Cruise, Coral Brandenburg, Madi Chin and Samantha Banton.

The music for the night was ministered by James Higgins.

The show vendors in support of the night were Raising the Roof by Runners Life, Jamberry Nails with Julie Ellis, Butterfly Dreams by Denise, and Burnin' Beads by Kira.

Adding to the charm of the night was a raffle entry to win prizes sponsored by ARIA, Riley's Pub, Amuse Café, Anne Shirley Theatre Company, RW &CO., Jamberry Nails and Thin City Skate Shop, among many others.

The annual Trent Fashion Show is a student-based charity group, working tirelessly with a dedicated mission to raise funds for charity groups within the Peterborough community.

TFS also support local talents, fashion, artist and businesses through runway shows and events.

The YES Shelter for Youth and Families on Brock Street is the organization that money raised by TFS through events and workshops goes to.

Leading to the final walk on the runway of the year, TFS had already organized two fashion shows: ”Autumn Rush” and “Candy,” all in the interest of the YES shelter. An interactive workshop, titles “Self Love,” that discussed body image and how to fall in love with natural self, was also a part of this years effort.

The total cumulative funds collected by Trent Fashion Show through all the events of the 2015/16 academic year is scheduled to be presented to the YES Shelter for Youth and Families on April 1.




For more photos from the event, visit the Trent Fashion Show Facebook page!

Severn Court (October-August)
Theatre Trent 2023/24
Arthur News School of Fish
Written By
Severn Court (October-August)
Theatre Trent 2023/24
Arthur News School of Fish

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