Call for Editors

Trent Excalibur

Written by
Matt Douglas
November 11, 2015
Trent Excalibur
Screen Shot 2015-11-07 at 5.56.10 PM

Women’s Lacrosse

Trent’s Women’s Lacrosse finished their season on a winning note, beating McMaster 10-3 to claim fifth place in the province. The team’s prospects were looking bleak three games into the season when they found themselves without a win, however they kept working and finished the season 6-7, which was good enough to get them to the OUA Championships.

Their winning ways continued at the championship tournament, where their sole loss of the weekend was against Western, 15-6. Western went on to win the OUA championship, making it their fifth title in a row. This recent success is impressive for a Women’s Lacrosse team that started up only three ago. Leah Oglive, a third-year student-athlete, attributed their success to couple factors.

“It’s been really interesting, seeing the development of the team. Coming into first year we had a lot of players who had never played before. It’s been exciting to see them develop their skills and to have a fifth place finish, it’s been quite rewarding.”

Then this year we had two first years Mikayla Hicks and Lexi Hill come onto the team with a lot of experience,” said Oglive.

“For them to come on the team was a huge asset, but all the newer players have just been really motivated.”

Another important facet of the success for team is Peterborough, itself says Oglive. “Peterborough is a great lacrosse town and you see that on our team, a lot of our players are from Peterborough.”

Besides the strong team effort, the Excalibur cleaned up in the individual awards at OUAs. Leah Oglive was named the top offensive player, Denise Miller, the team’s goalie, was awarded Defensive MVP and Rookie of the Year went to Mikayla Hicks.

In Women’s Lacrosse Action, the OUA Championships brought a final challenge for the team. Playing well all season, the team felt well-prepared for what was ahead. The team unfortunately did not make the medal round, but made a showing in the final awards ceremony and earning fifth place overall.

Collecting the Offensive MVP of the Year, Defensive MVP of the year, and the Rookie of the Year titles were Leah Ogilvie, Denise Miller, and Mikayla Hicks, respectively.

Men’s Lacrosse

The Men’s Lacrosse team overcame rival Queen’s last weekend, beating them for the first time this season, to move on to nationals The Baggaway Cup will be played over the weekend. They will play Brock in the Quarterfinals.


The Rugby team has held their undefeated season and are set to play Conestoga in the Semi-Finals. This comes on the heels of a perfect 6-0 regular season that seen them trounce their competitors, 393 to 52 throughout the six games.

Trent Board of Govenors Call for Student Nominations
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