Severn Court (October-August)
Theatre Trent 2023/24
Arthur News School of Fish
via Robert Ruggiero on Unsplash

The Persistent Struggle for Accessibility in Peterborough

Written by
Patrick Fuellbeck
May 9, 2023
The Persistent Struggle for Accessibility in Peterborough
via Robert Ruggiero on Unsplash

Accessibility is an essential aspect of urban planning and infrastructure that is meant to ensure that all citizens can fully participate in and enjoy public spaces and facilities. In recent years, awareness of the importance of accessibility has grown, and legislation has been enacted to ensure that public spaces are built or modified to be accessible to all. However, even in 2023, accessibility concerns persist in Peterborough, Ontario. This article will explore the challenges faced by disabled citizens in Peterborough, as well as the implications of these issues for the community at large.

The renovation of the Peterborough Public Library in 2017 serves as an example of how accessibility concerns continue to be overlooked. Despite adherence to the 2012 Accessibility Building Code , which defines accessibility requirements for new constructions and extensive renovations, the library's renovations failed to meet crucial accessibility standards. 

The issue revolves around the new accessible parking spots and sidewalks installed during the renovations. While the parking spots and sidewalks were an improvement, they lacked a crucial feature: a dip in the sidewalk that would allow wheelchair users to easily and safely move from the parking spot onto the sidewalk. This omission forces wheelchair users to navigate traffic on the street to reach the nearest intersection, which puts their safety at risk and contradicts the very purpose of accessible infrastructure.

The city's handling of sidewalk closures during the Covid-19 pandemic further illustrates the persistent accessibility challenges in Peterborough. In an effort to accommodate restricted seating in restaurants, the city closed portions of sidewalks in the downtown core. However, this decision inadvertently blocked an accessible parking spot on George Street, between Brock and Hunter Streets. 

It took over a month of persistent communication with the city to rectify the situation and provide an alternative accessible parking spot. Disappointingly, the same issue arose in subsequent years, with basic accessibility and human rights being repeatedly overlooked. 

Another concerning development in Peterborough's accessibility challenges is the recent cancellation of the community bus service, which includes the accessible bus services . The decision to cancel these services comes as a result of budget reductions and has left many citizens, particularly those with disabilities, without reliable transportation options. 

The community bus service and accessible bus services have been instrumental in ensuring that people with disabilities can access essential amenities such as grocery stores, medical appointments, and recreational facilities. By discontinuing these services, the city has further marginalized disabled residents, compounding existing accessibility issues and exacerbating social isolation. 

The cancellation of these vital transportation services highlights the systemic challenges faced by disabled citizens in Peterborough, as well as the urgent need for a comprehensive approach to address accessibility in the city. It is crucial for city officials to consider the implications of their decisions, not only in terms of budgetary constraints but also the impact on the well-being and rights of all residents. 

Re-evaluating the accessibility of public infrastructure, investing in inclusive urban planning, and ensuring that transportation services cater to the diverse needs of the population should be prioritized in order to make Peterborough a truly inclusive and equitable city. The discontinuation of the community and accessible bus services serves as a stark reminder that more needs to be done to ensure that all citizens, regardless of their physical abilities, are given equal opportunities to participate in and enjoy their community. 

These examples demonstrate a troubling pattern of neglecting accessibility concerns in Peterborough, infringing on the basic human rights of disabled citizens. It is crucial to remember that accessible infrastructure is not a luxury but a necessity for people with disabilities. When cities like Peterborough fail to provide adequate accessibility, they not only compromise the safety and well-being of disabled individuals but also contribute to their social exclusion and marginalization. 

Moving forward, it is imperative that city officials, urban planners, and community members prioritize and address accessibility concerns in all aspects of public infrastructure development. Peterborough's ongoing struggles with accessibility serve as a sobering reminder that there is still much work to be done to ensure equal access and opportunities for all citizens, regardless of their physical abilities.

Severn Court (October-August)
Theatre Trent 2023/24
Arthur News School of Fish
Written By
Severn Court (October-August)
Theatre Trent 2023/24
Arthur News School of Fish
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