Severn Court (October-August)
Theatre Trent 2023/24
Arthur News School of Fish

Places to go during #apocalypseinptbo

Written by
Zara Syed
October 31, 2017
Places to go during #apocalypseinptbo

Peterborough has the perfect aesthetic for a classic horror movie. After all, the award- winning film Urban Legends: Final Cut was filmed at Trent University. With Halloween upon us, it seemed like the right time to compile a list of places to go in the event of a zombie apocalypse.

With special thanks to Mike Lacey and Marina Wilke, and the Peterborough community that contributed to the thread #apocalypseinptbo

[caption id="attachment_14424" align="alignleft" width="150"]

Follow this reporter on Twitter @TaylorClysdale[/caption]

The Peterborough Armoury: @TaylorClysdale

Nothing gets past this City Hall reporter from Peterborough This Week. When we all run out of bullets, the armoury will have plenty of antique weapons that can be used in the beheading of zombies. If you haven’t visited the Armoury, this historical place is located in downtown Peterborough across from Confederation Park.


Stoney Lake: @thirsty_mom

This thirsty MILF wants to survive and thrive through the end in luxury. That’s why she is heading to the island mansions of Stoney Lake. Zombies don’t swim or operate watercraft (we hope) so the remote location provides the perfect place to hole up and get cozy while the rest of the world goes to hell. Be sure to choose a place with a well stocked cellar, a fireplace and plenty of furry blankets for those cold winter nights. And hey, if the Trent men’s rowing team wants to join her, those fine specimens are welcome. Someone has to repopulate the earth.

[caption id="attachment_14418" align="aligncenter" width="586"]

For more hilarious tweets from this ptbo mom, follow @thirsty_mom on Twitter![/caption]

Lang Pioneer Village: @Mike_Lacey

Peterborough This Week digital editor Mike Lacey suggested this "living museum" as the perfect location to ride out the apocalypse. The village recreates life in the 1800s and is located near Keene, on the banks of Indian River. Not only does its remote location provide a safe and defendable home against the zombie hoard, but it also has all the tools one needs to survive in an electricity-free, pre-industrial world, that happens to be overrun by zombies.

[caption id="attachment_14425" align="aligncenter" width="612"]

Follow Mike Lacey from Peterborough This Week for the hottest takes on Twitter: @Mike_Lacey[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_14429" align="alignleft" width="150"]

Ayesha Barmania went on to win the CBC internship at Trent University and has since founded Ptbo Independent Podcasters! Follow Ayesha on Twitter @AyeshaBarmania[/caption]

Champlain Fortress: @AyeshaBarmania

There are a couple of Trent University locations that would fare well in the face of an apocalypse. Trent alumna Ayesha Barmania pegged Chapmplain College as the best hiding spot, and will surely have people chanting “Champlain till I die” until the very end. Catharine Parr Traill College, the “College on the Hill”, is also another picturesque place to take refuge.

For more information on Ptbo Independent Podcasters, visit


Lift- Locks: @JulieMoJAPLM

A National Historic site, this hydraulic boat lift is the largest in the world. The lock recently broke the internet this summer when 130 canoes and kayaks fit into the lock. “In the aftermath of the zombie apocalypse, the caissons can also be emptied of water,” this Twitter Goddess tells Arthur, “imagine filling that with about a foot of gasoline to incinerate the leftover zombies, and those about to turn.”

[caption id="attachment_14433" align="aligncenter" width="637"]

You can follow this Twitter goddess @JulieMoJAPLM[/caption]

General Electric Building: @TrentVariety

Perfectly secured with a fence to keep zombies at bay, this large facility that once held our town’s hopes and dreams could still be useful. With plenty of electronics in the building, the location is also a good place to scavenge weapons and build machinery. This building once employed a significant portion of Peterborough, so be wary of former employees that may or may not be “living” in the plant.

[caption id="attachment_14434" align="aligncenter" width="633"]

Arthur co- editor @TrentVariety weighed in on #apocalypseinptbo you can follow him on Twitter for more hot takes on Peterborough issues[/caption]

Sadleir House: @leina__

This Arthur writer picked the finest Queen Anne purchased by President Tom Symons in 1964. People may not know this, but Sadleir House was one of the first founding buildings of Trent University and was the main hub of Peter Robinson College. Having attended Rock Camp for Girls, Leina believes Sadleir is a perfect place for anyone that knows the building inside and out. Rumored to reside at Sadleir are ghosts that will not give up their post quite so easily. Having supernatural elements on your side could prove to be a bonus when encountering zombies.

[caption id="attachment_14435" align="aligncenter" width="630"]

Leina is the octopus behind the scenes at Arthur Newspaper. For funny tweets on her life, pop culture and politics, follow her @leina__ on Twitter[/caption]

The Clock Tower: @YumnaSawnya

The wise past-editor of Arthur chose Market Hall as her vantage point. The clock tower looked over the city and served as an excellent vantage point for looming danger. By barricading El Caminos and Bumble Berry Bistro (formerly known as Dancing Blueberries) she ensured access to burritos and cupcakes a plenty. The clock tower is arguably one of the highest points on the list so far, and would certainly serve as a scenic strategic location.

[caption id="attachment_12945" align="alignleft" width="238"]

Photos of the Zombie Bride at Little Lake Cemetery by Samantha Moss. Follow this talented photographer @MossWorks on Instagram and Twitter[/caption]

Trent Radio: @ZaraSy3d

You wouldn’t want this writer on your team during the apocalypse, but if you want to spend your last days transmitting a broadcast, Trent Radio is the place to go. It would be like having an hour long radio show, except it’s as long as you want. You know, until zombies devour your flesh.

Have a place on here that wasn’t listed, but should be? Tweet at @TrentArthur to tell us where you would go in the event of an apocalypse. Happy Halloween!

Severn Court (October-August)
Theatre Trent 2023/24
Arthur News School of Fish
Written By
Severn Court (October-August)
Theatre Trent 2023/24
Arthur News School of Fish
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