Call for Editors

Happy holidays from the Trent Film Society

Written by
Amy Jane Vosper
December 9, 2015
Happy holidays from the Trent Film Society

As the end of the term approaches, we would like to thank everyone who has made this such a wildly successful and busy year for the Trent Film Society. Through attending screenings, dressing up for events, participating in discussions, and spreading the word of TFS, you all are responsible for breathing new life into this film club and we couldn’t be happier!

We kicked off the year with a Back-to-School themed selection of films and got our 1980s on for The Breakfast Club (1985) at Market Hall. We held the TFS’s first ever “Pyjama Party” while screening retro cartoons and serving up cereal. This event filled the Trend and it was wonderful to see how many people got into the spirit of the evening with PJs, slippers, and sleepwear. We hope to make this an annual event!

Once October began, we kicked off our month of horror and screened some new favourites and some old classics. Our screening of It Follows (2014) packed Artspace and there was a wonderfully lively discussion afterwards about horror films, personal fears, and the effectiveness of on-screen scare tactics. However, it was our screening of The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975) at Market Hall that drew the largest crowd of the year! In addition to screening the film, we held a costume contest and a trivia competition for prizes donated by local businesses.

During the screening, we featured performances by local talent including circus arts splendour, Thomas Vaccaro, and Peterborough’s own burlesque troupe, “The Kitten Academy”. Audience members jumped out of their seats to dance and sing along with their favourite songs. There were amazing costumes and viewers threw toast, blew bubbles, and shouted call-backs during the show.

It was such a remarkable success that Market Hall has requested that we do it again next year! Tell us, film fans, do you want to do the Time Warp again?


After Hallowe’en, we shifted focus and lightened up with some industry-oriented comedies. We screened a double-bill of Charlie Chaplin and Buster Keaton films and our viewers were roaring with laughter! All these years later, these comedians once again proved that their humour is timeless. Our screening of Singin’ in the Rain (1952) was a joint presentation with the TGSA and it brought people out in the rain… and in costume!

For our final event of the term, we are hosting a Holiday Party at the Trend. For this night, we asked YOU to tell us which holiday films you would like to see screened at the party. There’s still time to get in your vote, so head over to our Facebook page and vote now.

At the moment, Die Hard (1988) and Scrooged (1988) seem to be the most popular choices. But time will tell! We will be serving up tasty holidays treats and there will be a cash bar available for festive libations. Two screens will be running simultaneously, so we can screen as many films as possible. Join us at the Trend on Wednesday, December 9 and, as always, it’s a free event!

Next semester, we have some seriously exciting events headed your way. We will kick off the year with a video game-themed screening of Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (2010) at Market Hall. Get ready for our Boss Battle Trivia, where we will test your video game knowledge and you could even walk home a winner! In February, we will feature some alternative love stories and then dive into some French New Wave films.

We are currently planning a short film festival for local filmmakers and we will showcase our top picks and winners at a screening at Market Hall in March. Then, inspired by the overwhelming success of our audience participatory screening of Rocky Horror, we will screen another film that encourages participation: The Room (2003) playing on April 20 at Market Hall! Additionally, we are collaborating with several other student groups to put on fun, educational, and inspiring films throughout the year!

We hope to see you all at many more screenings in the future. Our success is dependent upon your enthusiasm and we want to continue to provide you with entertaining, interesting, and imaginative events. If you have any requests or ideas for future screenings or events, feel free to contact us. “Like” our page on Facebook to stay up-to-date on all of our upcoming events and participate in our lively discussions.

From all of us here at the Trent Film Society: thank you for making this an unforgettable semester and we wish you all a safe and happy holiday!


Arthur News School of Fish
Written By
Severn Court (October-August)
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