Severn Court (October-August)
Graphic by Evan Robins.

Editorial: Arthur Newspaper Endorses Every Candidate in TCSA Election

Written by
Sebastian Johnston-Lindsay
Abbigale Kernya
Evan Robins
March 12, 2024
Editorial: Arthur Newspaper Endorses Every Candidate in TCSA Election
Graphic by Evan Robins.

As the paper of record for the undergraduate students at Trent University, Arthur prides itself on our duty to inform and protect the interests of our readership. As venerable thought leaders and arbiters of Newspeak ourselves, we take our responsibility as Ministers of Truth extremely seriously. 

Furthermore, as a paper with an anti-oppressive lens which firmly believes in the tenets of representative democratic systems and the ability of groups and individuals to assert their political autonomy in what has become an increasingly partisan political environment that feasts upon apathy and disillusionment; Arthur understands that no time of year is more significant than voting season.

Those who still believe in the sanctity of democratic elections (if such people should exist), might then be inclined to turn to the nearest stalwart bastion of moral virtue and unimpugnable truth-telling to inform their decision in the matter. As is our responsibility, Arthur would thus like to provide our critically-informed perspective on whose name to check on Friday, March 15th.

To that end, Arthur unequivocally endorses all candidates for the upcoming TCSA elections. 

We do this in the spirit of equity and as part of our mandate to inform our shared membership with the TCSA of their roles in fostering a positive environment for discourse on issues that matter to students both as members of the university community and as citizens of Nogojiwanong/Peterborough.

As such, as a Trent levy group, we would like to extend our sincere support to all candidates who have decided to put their name forward for election in the 2024 election and hope that members reading this will take the time to carefully consider their choices and make informed decisions in the upcoming election. 

Here is a full list of the candidates that we, as the Editors of Arthur, endorse alongside the positions they are running for:

For Vice President Campaigns & Equity, Arthur endorses:

  • Anshika Gaur
  • Daelin Drexler

For Vice President Health & Wellness, Arthur endorses:

  • Aman Mathew
  • Geneviève Ancti
  • Kyra Myderwyk
  • Taylor Tomasevic
  • Aanya Chandra* 

*(Editor’s Note: Chandra was unfortunately disqualified because another group posted a picture of her posters on Instagram without her asking them to so we can’t officially endorse her, but man do we want to!)

For Vice President University & College Affairs, Arthur endorses:

  • Frank Bouranakos
  • Iyiola Alade

For Racialized Student Commissioner, Arthur endorses:

  • Sckyda Soviel Subay

For Mature Students Commissioners, Arthur endorses:

  • Chase Kilbourne 

For President—hang on just one second…

  • The only nominee for President was the current Vice President Health & Wellness, Bri Policicchio, who abruptly resigned her office on the morning of March 11th. Arthur was subsequently informed by TCSA staff that this would mean she would not continue to be a candidate in the upcoming election. More to come!

We wish all of these candidates all the best as they continue their campaigns and commend them for their willingness to throw their names into the political fray! 

You can read more about each candidate and their campaign promises on the TCSA’s website.

We cannot underscore how seriously we take this election process and how serious this blanket endorsement from Arthur, an autonomous levy group neither the TCSA or candidates control, is. You can, and it is the opinion of Arthur that you should, vote for each and every one of aforementioned candidates, should you chose to vote in this election.

Should there be any concerns regarding the sincerity of this endorsement, we urge you to take it up with the TCSA’s elections committee as they have proven themselves unimpeachable moral diviners of truth, integrity, and intent when it comes to “endorsements” and the equal application of election policies.

To contact the TCSA election committee please contact:

Arthur News School of Fish
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Call for Editors

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