Evan Robins


Evan Robins is an award-winning writer, journalist, and Co-Editor-in-Chief of Volume 59 of Arthur. Having come to Arthur fresh off her first year of undergrad in the summer of 2021, Evan’s distinct voice and ferocious wit quickly established her as a writerly powerhouse.

She has been called “one of the best upcoming trans journalists” by those who respect her and “a walking thesaurus” by those who don't; as well as a number of obscenities and epithets besides, which bear not repeating here.

Evan’s work has been published in Maclean’s, Xtra, and Trent’s Journal of Undergraduate Studies. She co-edited the John H. McDonald (JHM) Award-winning Volume 58 of Arthur, has been shortlisted for multiple JHM Awards, and received a Certificate of Merit from World Press Freedom Canada for Student Achievement.

Aside from her Arthur exploits, Evan pursues graduate studies at Trent University (an elaborate excuse to read fanfiction), that she might yet earn the title of Master of Cultural Studies.

She resides in the topmost floor of an ancient limestone tower in downtown Peterborough, where she wiles away her days rewatching Season 25 of the long-running British science-fiction series Doctor Who, and drinking an altogether obscene amount of coffee.

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Static and dynamic content editing

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Editorial: The Paper They Don't Want You to Read
Arthur's Co-Editors-in-Chief give you the guided tour of Trent's eccentricities and all the ins (and outs) of this wonderful rag.
Arthur Book Club Goes to Summer Camp
Evan and Abbigale go back to the 90s for an appropriately summery splat-fest in Gretchen Felker-Martin's gory gesamtkunstwerk, Cuckoo. We might be hyping it up a bit much, which raises the question: will it go over better than the last one?
There's nothing sorted under 'Puzzles' for
Evan Robins
2021-01-20 | Good Things Come
Legal marijuana dealer in Toronto's province: Abbr.
Edited by
Danny Taro
January 20, 2021
2021-01-13 | Quranqueen
Buddhist mandala that's blown away upon completion
Edited by
Danny Taro
January 13, 2021