David King

President and Chair of the Board

While many things, David King is mostly “tactless and abrasive,” “cooked,” and a “rabid transsexual.” Facilitator of local hoaxes and conspiracies, he is most famous for insinuating Peterborough is “probably on some leylines” after discovering that the county plays host to several magnetic anomalies.

A journalist from Volumes 57 and 58, he currently serves as President and Chair of Arthur Newspaper’s Board of Directors. David is also entering his fourth year in Cultural Studies at Trent University, his first choice school back in 2016. David is also Trent’s Levy Groups Representative.

Previously a Summer Broadcast Journalist at Trent Radio, his resume also includes “weed store middle manager,” “barista at a tax front,” and “section editor for a student magazine one time.” He’s also dropped out of university thrive, which his parents hated every time.

David’s creative focus oscillates between broadcast arts, graphic design, and misusing the English language. His current academic pursuits involve him carrying on about video games, Internet nostalgia, and trans literature. His oeuvre can be found on his expansive Google Drive, where he curates an ever-expanding collection of bad articles and angry letters.

When he’s not hunched over his desk, David enjoys creating harsh noise, watching bad movies, and eulogizing Japanese action-adventure games to whoever will listen.

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The Fence of Protection: Protestors Outnumbered for the Third Time by Supporters of Drag Story Time Event
Arthur holds ground and bears witness to a February 25th anti-drag protest and its resilient counter.
ONA Fights for Higher Wages, Better Workplace Conditions As Nurses Picket Across Ontario
Citing burnout, stagnating pay, and unsustainable working conditions, many members of the ONA took to the streets out front of PRHC on February 23rd. The Ontario Nurses' Association has begun organizing pickets as they head to the bargaining table with the Ontario government.
A Long-Winded Letter to My One True Love, Cigarettes
To this day, I cannot go a day without a fag hanging out of my mouth. I’ll get off the shit when it stops being so cool for me to die a little faster than usual. I sit, alone in my room, writing this, sick in my bed, absolutely yearning for nicotine. I allowed myself half of a smoke just this morning, but it clearly isn't enough for such a growing boy.
There's nothing sorted under 'Puzzles' for
David King
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2023-09-03 | Rainbow
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