For as long as she can remember, Chukwugoziem Nwadugbo has always been captivated by the world of the arts, so it is no wonder she enjoys music, literature, and writing. Largely influenced by her mother who was an avid reader, her love for writing was born out of her desire to be like Chinua Achebe. She wants to tell stories that are captivating but representative of her reality. Her politics is largely influenced by her African background, and this is evident in her writing and the content she consumes.

Outside of journalistic work, she can be found passionately discussing politics with her friends and analyzing pop culture. You might also find her going on long monologues about reality shows because she is literally obsessed with trash TV. An ardent lover of good music, an amazing cocktail, and a great party, Goziem spends her weekend working as a club host but don’t be surprised if you see her curled up in a corner hiding from the world reading a book on her iPad because she is multifaceted. You might also find her making her friends do the most intense workout because she cares.

Her achievements include reading a book from at least one African author in almost all the African countries and meeting one of her favorite artistes in the world, Blaqbonez, who she encourages everyone to listen to.

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Exploring the Queer Community Through African Authors
Contributor Chukwugoziem Nwadugbo thoughtfully reflects on how literature can shed light on the realities of LGBTQ+ experiences in African countries and how the power of telling these stories can disrupt western narratives of queerness.
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