Traill Cabinet Claims TCSA Treats Traillites as "second-rate students" Amid Fallout of Election MisinformationTraill Cabinet Claims TCSA Treats Traillites as "second-rate students" Amid Fallout of Election Misinformation
Traill Cabinet Claims TCSA Treats Traillites as "second-rate students" Amid Fallout of Election Misinformation
Traill Cabinet representatives criticized the TCSA's promotion of an on-campus polling station from which Traill students were later barred from voting on February 27th as making Trail, Annex, and off-campus students feel like "an afterthought" to the Association. Graphic by Louanne Morin.
Louanne Morin
March 10, 2025
Arthur at the Polls: Dave Smith Wins BigArthur at the Polls: Dave Smith Wins Big
Arthur at the Polls: Dave Smith Wins Big
In the first installment of Arthur's multi-part election night coverage, Ian Elliott Vansegbrook covers Dave Smith's triumphant election night rally, and also gets slightly in trouble. Read all about a night filled with small sandwiches, seniors, and socializing, mixed in with long bouts of standing around.
Ian Vansegbrook
March 3, 2025
On-Campus Polling Plagued by Misinformation from Trent, TCSAOn-Campus Polling Plagued by Misinformation from Trent, TCSA
On-Campus Polling Plagued by Misinformation from Trent, TCSA
Many Trent University students residing on campus were left unsure where they could vote after posts from the Peterborough YNDP alleged some would be ineligible for an on-campus polling station promoted by the university and the TCSA. Further investigation by Arthur revealed widespread misinformation about student voter eligibility, which was proliferated by Trent, the TCSA, and YNDP.
David King
Evan Robins
February 27, 2025
Brock Mission Development Project Goes Forth in Spite of Backlash from Community and City CouncilBrock Mission Development Project Goes Forth in Spite of Backlash from Community and City Council
Brock Mission Development Project Goes Forth in Spite of Backlash from Community and City Council
Peterborough City Council pushes forth the construction of the Chemong Road Brock Mission affordable housing complex, despite protests from Councillors and neighbors.
Louanne Morin
February 26, 2025
Write a Letter to the Editors. You can email Send us your issues and concerns or add your opinion into the Peterborough-Nogojiwanong Online Consciousness! It's as easy as filling out our online form.
Married to the Mob: The Joker is Wild!
Community contributor J.A. Forrester takes a deep dive into the family history, oligarchy, and tactics of the current American president to ask the question, "Who created Donald Trump?"
J.A. Forrester
March 13, 2025
Married to the Mob: The Joker is Wild!Married to the Mob: The Joker is Wild!
J.A. Forrester
March 13, 2025
The Arthur Astrology Hour: Lucky Charms
The Department of Horoscopes, Occult and the Extranatural (HOE) returns to scry the clovers and read your fortuens for the month of March.
Ciara Richardson
Ian Vansegbrook
March 10, 2025
The Arthur Astrology Hour: Lucky CharmsThe Arthur Astrology Hour: Lucky Charms
Ciara Richardson
Ian Vansegbrook
March 10, 2025
What is a Coming of Age Story?
Mikaela Lewis asks: "What is a coming of age story?"
Mikaela Lewis
March 7, 2025
What is a Coming of Age Story?What is a Coming of Age Story?
Mikaela Lewis
March 7, 2025
Sign up for our newsletter — The Courier — and receive the best of Arthur directly to your inbox!
Send us your issues and concerns or add your opinion into the Peterborough-Nogojiwanong online consciousness. It's as easy as filling out our online form.
Submit a Letter to the Editor
Arthur at the Polls: Dave Smith Wins Big
In the first installment of Arthur's multi-part election night coverage, Ian Elliott Vansegbrook covers Dave Smith's triumphant election night rally, and also gets slightly in trouble. Read all about a night filled with small sandwiches, seniors, and socializing, mixed in with long bouts of standing around.
Arthur at the Polls: Dave Smith Wins BigArthur at the Polls: Dave Smith Wins Big
On-Campus Polling Plagued by Misinformation from Trent, TCSA
Many Trent University students residing on campus were left unsure where they could vote after posts from the Peterborough YNDP alleged some would be ineligible for an on-campus polling station promoted by the university and the TCSA. Further investigation by Arthur revealed widespread misinformation about student voter eligibility, which was proliferated by Trent, the TCSA, and YNDP.
Many Trent University students residing on campus were left unsure where they could vote after posts from the Peterborough YNDP alleged some would be ineligible for an on-campus polling station promoted by the university and the TCSA. Further investigation by Arthur revealed widespread misinformation about student voter eligibility, which was proliferated by Trent, the TCSA, and YNDP.
"Who Said It Was Simple" The Lasting Impact of Audre Lorde
Journalist Ciara Richardson's thoughts and analysis on the impact and inspiration of civil rights activist Audre Lorde.
Journalist Ciara Richardson's thoughts and analysis on the impact and inspiration of civil rights activist Audre Lorde.
Radio Free Arthur
Produced by
Evan Robins
The girls are back in the studio with one thing on their mind: has the city gone #darkwoke? Is trad wifery in? Will Peterborough officially migrate to Bluesky.Social instead of X (The Everything App)? Will students ever stop moaning about convocation? (co-editor Abbigale Kernya is graduating, so she gets to weigh in here) Find out the ans
What is a Coming of Age Story?What is a Coming of Age Story?
Mikaela Lewis asks: "What is a coming of age story?"
U.S. Isolation and the Coalition of the WillingU.S. Isolation and the Coalition of the Willing
"America First" is the present refrain of the dogmatic American right wing, but from where exactly did this mantra arise? James Forrester details a history of U.S. exceptionalism which has seen the country further its own agenda while making the rest of the world pay.
"Who Said It Was Simple" The Lasting Impact of Audre Lorde"Who Said It Was Simple" The Lasting Impact of Audre Lorde
Journalist Ciara Richardson's thoughts and analysis on the impact and inspiration of civil rights activist Audre Lorde.
Arthur Book Club Imagines DragonsArthur Book Club Imagines Dragons
Arthur Book Club returns with a vengeance, and a newfound purpose for the last three months of Abbigale and Evan's co-tenure.
"Who Said It Was Simple" The Lasting Impact of Audre Lorde"Who Said It Was Simple" The Lasting Impact of Audre Lorde
"Who Said It Was Simple" The Lasting Impact of Audre Lorde
Arthur Book Club Imagines DragonsArthur Book Club Imagines Dragons
Arthur Book Club Imagines Dragons
Record Setting Win for Trent Men's Volleyball TeamRecord Setting Win for Trent Men's Volleyball Team
Record Setting Win for Trent Men's Volleyball Team
A League of Their Own: Women’s Hockey as Told By Ice In Their VeinsA League of Their Own: Women’s Hockey as Told By Ice In Their Veins
A League of Their Own: Women’s Hockey as Told By Ice In Their Veins
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