Vote Yes to Arthur!

We’re working towards a $1.52 increase to Arthur’s non-refundable levy, and we need your help. Vote YES to Arthur March 10-17 during the 2022 TSCA elections.

Why this increase, and why now?
Arthur has been struggling this year due to some big changes to the Trent Work Study Program, which normally funds our student positions. Our funding for student jobs was cut by over 50% this year without warning. This meant that while we were able to hire 8 students through this program last year, we only received 3 positions out of the 10 we applied for this year. In all honesty, this was a huge shock. Arthur, and many other levy groups have relied on this funding for decades, it has always been a reliable way to bring students into levy organizations and pay them for their labour. This year, we will be paying for five student positions out of pocket and are working to adjust our budget to keep Arthur afloat for years to come.

We’re asking for this increase in order to fund student jobs. We had planned on expanding our job offerings this year to hire 10 students but due to the lack of funding we have tightened our roster. This levy increase would allow us to grow to hire more students, as well as supporting a host of honoraria and special contributions to Arthur by important groups and individuals. 

Are we pursuing other options?
Arthur has increased our online advertising and fundraising efforts substantially in the past year. We have worked hard to show how important our work is and have been rewarded with an incredible group of monthly and yearly donors from the community. We also started a yearly fundraising drive that raised over $4000 this past Spring. We feel that in tandem with these efforts, a levy increase will ensure that Arthur is protected from future cuts to the TWSP program, and continues to remain independent of the University.

Why Arthur? Arthur has been a levy group since its inception in 1966. We have always been funded by and accountable to the student body first and foremost. Every financial and organizational decision we make aims to be in the best interest of the students who support us. We cover the stories that matter most to students, and often the ones that aren’t being told by other local outlets.

Why, why, why?
As the age old adage says, “it’s less than the price of a cup of coffee.” 
Arthur needs 1200 undergrads to support our $1.52 levy increase.

So far,


undergraduate students
have signed.
(Updated January 18th, 2021)
Can we count on your support?
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