Trent Vegetable Gardens

Why You Should Care About Sustainability on Campus
Emi Habel makes the case for greater scrutiny by students of just how sustainable Trent University really is and poses some questions for the institution. While she awaits an answer, she makes the crase for why we should all care about sustainability.
How To (Actually) Be Sustainable On A(n Actual) Budget, Actually
Bethan attempts to provide sustainability information on a budget, a task oft undertaken before her. Also know as: an Ode to the Seasoned Spoon
TLNAP Update: No plans to build over TVG, says Julie Davis
Varun Biddanda highlights what's next for the Trent Lands and Nature Areas Plan. Though there has been a years-long plan to bulldoze the Trent Vegetable Gardens in favour of a road to the new Cleantech Commons development, Varun reports that there are apparently "no plans" to build that road.
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Trent Vegetable Gardens
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