Trent Radio

RPM Challenge: Mixing Tricks
As the Record Production Month challenge draws closer to the submission date, Spencer Wells and Connor Stinson discuss the basics of mixing and mastering recorded audio – including equalizers, compression, and reverb effects. The article touches upon Spencer and Connor’s experiences as co-hosts and musicians, with tips based on the Audacity recording and editing platform. Part of a month-long series documenting the 2021 RPM Challenge.
RPM Challenge: A Songwriter’s Primer
With the RPM Challenge officially underway, Spencer Wells offers insightful tips and techniques on how to get started on the songwriting process. The challenge is seeking musical submissions from anyone and everyone interested, regardless of prior musical experience. This article is part of a month-long document highlighting the event, with each article reflecting Spencer's progress as he participates in the challenge himself.
Gearing Up for the 2021 RPM Challenge
Spencer Wells highlights the upcoming Record Production Month Challenge - an internationally-recognized event that promotes anyone and everyone to produce music for the entire month of February. He is also working with Trent Radio to produce a series of shows that covers his progress in the challenge, as well as offering tips and advice on how to get started with the production process. Features an interview with Peterborough artist Victoria Stoddart.
Radio Free Arthur
For the first official episode marking the new year, your editors bring you topical news like the recent intent to resign from Trudeau, an update from Peterborough's municipal housing plan, and why Nosferatu (2024) should have been hornier.
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