Trent Land and Nature Areas Plan (TLNAP)

Trent Lands and Nature Areas Plan: it brags ‘green’ but is it?
Debbie Jenkins unpacks the ecology of the Trent Lands and Nature Areas Plan, and explains why she thinks it is not as environmentally friendly as advertised.
A Call for Stories: the Trent Lands and Nature Areas Draft Plan
What you need to know about the October 2020 draft of the Trent Lands Plan, most notably, the displacement of student-led agricultural projects.
What's the Point?
@TrentUConfessions is HaCkEd! we analyze the culture of anonymity, public shame and hyperbole. Updates from Mi'kmaw fishers and community members as they continue their fight amidst colonial violence. A spooky hallo-week with Trent Film Society. City council 2021 budget is OUT! And more.
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