TCSA VP Campaigns and Equity

Arthur Meets the Candidates for the TCSA Spring Elections
Arthur attended the Trent Central Student Association's Meet the Candidates event for the Association's Spring General Election on March 12th, where candidates debated parking, food security, and the possibility of alternate venues for the upcoming convocation ceremony.
Jan 21st TCSA Board Meeting: Attendance Plummets, Student Staff Union Busts
In the TCSA's first board meeting of the second semester and the new calendar year, the Association outlined plans for the remainder of the operating year and upcoming Spring Elections. Significantly, Arthur learned that the longstanding plans for a Student Staff union have reportedly fallen through, leaving the future of students employed by Trent's housing department uncertain.
TCSA Elections Part 2: The Executive Candidates
In her second article covering the TCSA Spring Elections, Irene Suvillaga focuses on the candidates running for executive positions. Suvillaga documents the second half of the ‘Candidate Meet and Greet’ where the candidates for VP Health and Wellness, and VP Campaigns and Equity shared their platforms and answered questions from viewers and previous TCSA board members.
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TCSA VP Campaigns and Equity