TCSA Board Meetings

Gather Yourself as Best as You Can, or, An End to the TCSA Elections Saga
The 2024 Fall By-Election saga comes to an end as Electoral results are ratified and further details about this year's cheating scandal are revealed.
TCSA Board of Directors Meeting: Elections Cancelled & President Resigns After Attempted Cheating
The October 20th TCSA Board of Directors meeting unveils the reason behind the latest TCSA Election's cancellation: a cheating attempt by the ex-interim TCSA President, Riya Jaykar.
Dispatches from the 09/15 TCSA Board Meeting: Welcome to the Desert of the Wheel
The TCSA return to business at their first fall board meeting of the academic year, and the executive seem keen to make money moves. Chief among them is the creation of a new $20,000 parking pass—a sum almost double the amount they chose to allot to food security at the very same meeting.
Radio Free Arthur
All three of Arthur's editors are back in one room again as they discuss the Trent Central Student Association's new strategic plan, Trent's Board of Governors' response to Head of the Trent. Spoiler alert: Its sucked.
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