William Shakespeare

20th Anniversary of Shakespeare Night Seance
The Globe was shocked on November 9th, 2023 as Shakespeare’s wife came back to life in a coffee shop in Peterborough, ON. Dishevelled, and looking fresh as a week-old banana, she burst into a room patiently waiting for Shakespeare to pick up his after-life phone. She was loud, vulgar, crude, and most importantly, entertaining beyond belief. 
Review of Cliff Cardinal’s "As You Like It"
Aimee Anctil reviews Cliff Cardinal's radical retelling of As You Like It recently performed at the Showplace Performance Art Centre.
Radio Free Arthur
All three Arthur Editors are (allegedly) back in the studio and ready to face the Ides of March. With Evan and Sebastian both recovering from an (alleged) curse, the Editors bring a portent of prophetic significance: DON'T FORGET TO VOTE!
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