Public Health Care

CUPE Health Care Workers’ Coordinating Committee Holds Day of Action Against Healthcare Privatization 
On Wednesday, July 17th, CUPE Ontario kicked off a series of Province-wide days of action for the "Support Our Care" petition, which aims to combat the Progressive Conservative government's increases privatization of Ontario's healthcare. Co-Editor Evan Robins spoke to members of the Healthcare Workers Co-ordinating Committee about the campaign and the current state of healthcare in the province.
"Nothing short of alarming:" OCHU and CUPE Representatives Discuss Local Impacts of Ontario Hospital Worker Poll
Representatives from the Ontario Council of Hospital Unions (OCHU) and CUPE met with reporters at the Peterborough Public Library on Thursday (January 4th) to provide details regarding a recently released Nanos poll of Ontario hospital workers commissioned by the unions.
Union Calls for Increased Provincial Funding to Address Staffing and Retention Crisis in Ontario Hospitals
According to a new poll, nearly 70% of hospital workers who responded feel that Ontario’s healthcare system is not staffed at a level which would allow them to deliver high quality patient care. In response to the poll’s findings, representatives of Ontario’s hospital unions are calling on increased provincial funding amounting to $1.25B per year over the next four years.
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Public Health Care