Peterborough Police Service

BLM Nogojiwanong Organizes Successful Phone and Email Zap
Ethel Nalule's coverage of the Phone and Email Zap Event held by BLM Nogojiwanong to hold municipal representatives accountable for the police budget.
The Case Against Bodycams
Peterborough-Nogojiwanong has taken up the fight for Black Lives. Meanwhile, the Peterborough Police Service defends taking up significant financial resources.
Third “Tough Conversation” Discusses Peterborough Police Training
CRRC Executive Director Angela Connors talks to PPS Sergeant Ted Branch about prioritizing anti-racism and anti-oppression training for the police, and defunding the police in July 13’s third “Tough Conversation.”
Radio Free Arthur
Well. You didn't hear it here first, but you know what we're talking about. The American Presidential election results are in, and rather unsurprising at that.
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