Peterborough City Council

Councilors Debate Monaghan Road Heritage Property, Development Charges, at December 2nd Council Meetings
Council re-litigated their September 23rd decision to approve heritage designation for the property at 1400 Monaghan road at a Monday night General Committee meeting after hearing delegations from property developers about proposed changes to development charges.
Peterborough City Council Presented With 2025 Draft Budget
Despite Council's August directive to plan a budget at a 5% tax rate, the Draft Budget presented by Richard Freymond at Monday night's meeting sported a 7.8% tax rate inflated by unexpected operating costs and increased Police budget asks.
Peterborough's In-House Economic Development plan to go ahead while concerns about land and implementation remain
The decision to bring economic development in-house passed during the June 24th meeting of Peterborough City Council by a vote of 8-3 as Council as Councillors expressed concerns about lack of land and Staff's implementation plan.
What's the Point?
@TrentUConfessions is HaCkEd! we analyze the culture of anonymity, public shame and hyperbole. Updates from Mi'kmaw fishers and community members as they continue their fight amidst colonial violence. A spooky hallo-week with Trent Film Society. City council 2021 budget is OUT! And more.
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