Peterborough Action for Tiny Homes (PATH)

Peterborough Action for Tiny Homes Continues Their Mission After Council Denies Zoning Application
Peterborough Action for Tiny Homes (PATH) board member, Marion Burton, spoke out in an interview with Arthur following the results of the August 26th General Committee meeting where councillors voted down PATH’S temporary zoning application that would allow them to build 24 sleeping cabins at 385 Lansdowne Street East for up to three years. 
No Immediate Action on the Homelessness Crisis as City Council Meets for the First Time
Peterborough's new City Council met for the first time on Monday December 5th. Over the course of three hours, multiple motions for immediate action to be taken on the homelessness crisis were struck down before the promise of a report from City Staff was approved with only Councillor Lesley Parnell voting against.
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Peterborough Action for Tiny Homes (PATH)