OPIRG Peterborough

“We’re All Here Because We Love This Place”: Sadleir House Meets for Annual General Meeting
The AGM comes at a time of conflict between Sadleir House and OPIRG Peterborough, which brought forward conversations around a need to improve community consultation outside of the board during the AGM, and bettering relationships within the House.
OPIRG Peterborough Holds Emergency Public Forum on Future of the Free Market Program
The Ontario Public Interest Research Group (OPIRG) Peterborough chapter called a public meeting on April 25th at Emmanuel United Church on George Street to discuss concerns regarding what they defined as a “conflict” with the Peter Robinson Community and Student Association (PRCSA)—the non-profit organization which operates Sadleir House—over allocation of office and storage space.
OPIRG Peterborough Announces Dis-Orientation Week 2023: Rebirth and Disruption
OPIRG Peterborough is proud to announce the much-anticipated launch of Dis-Orientation Week 2023, “Rebirth and Disruption: Solidarity, Identity, and New Imaginaries” taking place September 25th-October 1st, 2023. 
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OPIRG Peterborough
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