
Anne Shirley Theatre Company Presents “The Lightning Thief: A Percy Jackson Musical”‍
Trent’s ASTC ventures to Camp Half-Blood and beyond in their winter production of “The Lightning Thief: A Percy Jackson Musical”.
Help! I Loved Perverts by Ethel Cain and I Suddenly Wish to Experience a Whole New Genre of Music!
If you finished listening to Perverts and suddenly thought this, don’t worry—I’ve got you covered. The world of slowcore is a scary place, but as an (allegedly) transgender woman myself, I assure you there is no better authority to navigate it for you.
New Ethel Cain is Important
Perverts is a slap in the face in the best kind of way.
Radio Free Arthur
This episode, the editors welcome the event that signals crying students, raging seasonal depression, and a flood of Instagram stories: Spotify Wrapped.
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