Jeff Leal

Council Gives Unanimous Support for Provincial Anti-Harassment Legislation Aimed at Municipal Leaders
At a General Committee meeting on March 6th, Peterborough Councillors gave their unanimous support to a motion brought forth by Town Ward Councillor, Alex Bierk, to write a letter of support for a provincial private members bill known as Bill 5, Stopping Harassment and Abuse by Local Leaders Act. 
Meeting Between Trent Senior Administration and Mayor Leal "Productive" Concerning Cleantech Commons
Meetings regarding Cleantech Commons between the City of Peterborough and Trent University have resumed under the the City's new Mayor and Council. Both parties told Arthur that the meetings were "productive" but also preliminary.
No Immediate Action on the Homelessness Crisis as City Council Meets for the First Time
Peterborough's new City Council met for the first time on Monday December 5th. Over the course of three hours, multiple motions for immediate action to be taken on the homelessness crisis were struck down before the promise of a report from City Staff was approved with only Councillor Lesley Parnell voting against.
Peterborough Politics Podcast
This episode features City Councilor Alex Bierk and his friend Chad. We also had the chance to recount a couple of Peterborough headlines that caught our eye. The Parkway is finally dead (or is it?), Federal Workers are on strike, and Dave Smith has joined Michelle Ferreri on Russia's Foreign Ministry's list of banned Canadians.
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